Esta página é a exata para a versão do roteador 0.9.47.

Separately Installing I2P, its dependencies, and recommended external software on Windows 10(The Long Way)

This is the long way of installing I2P for Windows, using the IzPack based installer and a separate Java Virtual Machine installed on the host. If you're new to I2P, you may want to try the Beta installer, which requires fewer total steps and automatically configures a JVM, I2P, and sets up a Firefox Profile in a single step.

Follow this link to the beta installer

This is a detailed, step-by-step guide to installing and configuring I2P, including all dependencies and setting up a browser, on a new Windows 10 system. Many users will be able to skip steps if they already have Java 8 or Firefox installed.

Então, o que vamos fazer aqui?

Vamos terminar quatro tarefas. Nós vamos terminar:

  1. Instalar Java
  2. Instalar I2P
  3. Instale um Navegador Melhor(Firefox)
  4. Configurar a banda; banda-larga; largura de banda do I2P

Parte Um: Instalar Java

In order to use I2P, you will need a suitable Java environment. On Windows, users should probably choose Oracle's Java 8 implementation. Please install it by following the instructions below:

Se você já tem Java instalado, você pode Skip This Step

  1. I2P requer Java para rodar, se você não tiver Java instalado, você receberá um erro que se parece com isto:
    • Uh oh, no Java yet
  2. We appreciate that you have a wide range of choices in Java software, but the Oracle Java software is the easiest to install and use with I2P on Windows. Please use this version from Oracle.
    • You need Oracle Java for Windows
  3. Baixar do here:
    • So download it
  4. Double-click the Java Installer you just downloaded. Don't set a custom path, just use the default one.
    • Start installing Java
  5. Java will show you some information about what it is and where it runs while you wait for it to finish installing.
    • Step one
  6. Quando você vê isto, Java está quase instalado.
    • Step two
  7. Java está agora instalado!
    • You're done!

Parte Dois: Instalar I2P

  1. Baixar o I2P de
    • Download I2P
  2. 'I2P está disponível em vários idiomas. Escolha um que é familiar para você.'
    • Select your Language
  3. Na primeira tela, Nós introduzimos nosso software.
    • Introduction
  4. I2P is mostly public domain software, with permissive licenses and a small amount of GPL2'ed Free Software.
    • Accept the License Agreement(or mostly lack thereof)
  5. You should probably leave I2P installed at the default path, as it is easiest to work with this way.
    • Select the path to install to
  6. Don't bother running it as a Windows service for now, an easy-to-use shortcut will be added to the start menu for you to control I2P with.
    • Select Components
  7. I2P will copy it's files into the install location.
    • Wait a moment
  8. I2P is now installed! You can start it using the "Start I2P" entries in your Start Menu and on your Desktop. Finish it up

Parte Três: Instale um Navegador Melhor (Firefox ou o Navegador Tor)

Se você já tem Firefox ou o navegador Tor instalado, pule os 2 primeiros passos.

Unfortunately for Windows users, Microsoft Edge does not have proxy settings that are safe to use with I2P. The browser that is easiest to configure with I2P in a reasonably good way is Firefox(Although Chrome is possible, this procedure is only recommended for experts). I2P participants who want to browse I2P Sites can follow these steps to install and configure Firefox for I2P.

If you already have Firefox installed, you may Skip This Step

  1. Get Firefox from htps://
    • Get Firefox
  2. Run the installer.
    • Run the installer

Instale o Perfil I2P para Firefox

  1. Download the Firefox Profile Bundle from the I2P Web Site. The I2P Firefox Profile has been replaced by the Easy Install Bundle for Windows. The Easy-Installl can still be used as a profile manager for an Un-Bundled I2P router installed via this procedure.
    • Grab the Firefox Profile
  2. Select the language you want to use for the install process.
    • Select your language
  3. The Profile Bundle incorporates lots of external software, so it has a detailed license document. All of the external software is Free and Open Source, with the license included.
    • Accpt the License Agreement
  4. Você agora tem um navegador pronto I2P! Now your browser is configured

Parte Quatro: Configure a banda larga do I2P

  1. When you visit the I2P router console for the first time, it will automatically direct you to the bandwidth configuration wizard.
    • Start the bandwidth wizard
  2. During the bandwidth test, we'll need to connect to the external M-Lab Service, which makes
    • Let the participant know what the bandwidth test entails
  3. The bandwidth test takes about a minute to run completely.
    • Run the bandwidth test
  4. Here we have an overview of the applications.
    • Suggest browser and application configuration
  5. Now you have your bandwidth configured to efficiently contribute to I2P.
    • Welcome to the Invisible Internet

If you want to re-run the welcome wizard after completing it, you can visit the page on your router console.

That's it! You're now ready to use I2P. You can browse I2P Sites, download files, host services, e-mail and chat anonymously. Visit the router console homepage to get started.