Entana I2P ho an'ny Debian

Debian or Ubuntu, All Versions

The Debian packages should work on most platforms running: The I2P packages may work on systems not listed above. Please report any issues with these packages on Gitlab at i2p.i2p.
  • Tetika 1: Modely taty aoriana an'i Ubuntu sy ny sampany (Andramo ity raha tsy mapiasa Debian ianao)
  • Tetika 2: Debian (miaraka amin'ny sampan'i Debian)

Instructions for Ubuntu and derivatives like Linux Mint & Trisquel

Fanampiana ny PPA avy amin'ny command line ary mametraka ny I2P
  1. Sokafy ny terminal dia ampidiro:
        sudo apt-add-repository ppa:i2p-maintainers/i2p
    This command will add the PPA to /etc/apt/sources.list.d and fetch the gpg key that the repository has been signed with. The GPG key ensures that the packages have not been tampered with since being built.
  2. Hilazao ny mpitsinjara entan'ny PPA vaovao amin'izao fomba izao:
        sudo apt-get update
    Ity baiko ity dia hisintona ny lisitry ny fampiarana farany avy amin'ny toeram-pitahirizana izay efa vonona ao amin'ny fitaovanao, miaraka ny PPA an'ny I2P izay efa nampiana teo aloha.
  3. Vonona ianao izao hametraka an'i I2P!
        sudo apt-get install i2p
Adding the PPA Using the Software Center
  1. Open "Software and Updates" via the applications menu.
  2. Select the "Other Software" tab and click the "Add" button at the bottom to configure the PPA.
  3. Add the PPA by pasting the URL: ppa:i2p-maintainers/i2p into the PPA dialog.
  4. Download the repository information with the "Reload" button.
  5. Install the I2P software using the "Software" tool from the applications menu.
Rehefa vita ny ny fametrahana dia afaka mandroso any amin'ny fandaharana manaraka izay ao anatin'nymamelona an'i I2Pary mandamina azy hifandahatra amin'ny fitaovanao.

Toromarika hoan i Debian

NOTICE: Our old Debian repos deb.i2p2.de and deb.i2p2.no are EOL. Please follow these instructions to update to the new repository, deb.i2p.net.

Currently supported architectures: amd64, i386, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x

Note: The steps below should be performed with root access (i.e., switching user to root with su or by prefixing each command with sudo).

  1. Ensure that apt-transport-https, curl, lsb-release are installed.
        sudo apt-get update
        sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https lsb-release curl
  2. Check which version of Debian you are using on this page at the Debian wiki and verify with /etc/debian_version on your system. Then, for Debian Bullseye or newer distributions run the following command to create /etc/apt/sources.list.d/i2p.list.
        # Use this command on Debian Bullseye or newer only.
      echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/i2p-archive-keyring.gpg] https://deb.i2p.net/ $(lsb_release -sc) main" \
      | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/i2p.list
    If you're using a downstream variant of Debian like LMDE or Kali Linux, the following command fill find the correct version for your distribution:
        # Use this command on Debian Downstreams like LMDE or ParrotOS only.
      echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/i2p-archive-keyring.gpg] https://deb.i2p.net/ $(dpkg --status tzdata | grep Provides | cut -f2 -d'-') main" \
      | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/i2p.list
    If you are using Debian Buster or older official Debian distributons, use the following command instead:
        # Use this command on Debian Buster or older only.
      echo "deb https://deb.i2p.net/ $(lsb_release -sc) main" \
      | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/i2p.list
    If you're using a downstream variant of Debian like LMDE or Kali Linux, the following command fill find the correct version for your distribution:
        # Use this command on Debian Buster or older only.
      echo "deb https://deb.i2p.net/ $(dpkg --status tzdata | grep Provides | cut -f2 -d'-') main" \
      | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/i2p.list
  3. Download the key used to sign the repository:
      curl -o i2p-archive-keyring.gpg https://geti2p.net/_static/i2p-archive-keyring.gpg

  4. Display the key fingerprint.
      gpg --keyid-format long --import --import-options show-only --with-fingerprint i2p-archive-keyring.gpg
    Verify that this key fingerprint matches the output:
      7840 E761 0F28 B904 7535  49D7 67EC E560 5BCF 1346

  5. Copy the keyring to the keyrings directory:
      sudo cp i2p-archive-keyring.gpg /usr/share/keyrings
    If you are using a distribution older than Debian Buster, you will also need to symlink that key to /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d.
      sudo ln -sf /usr/share/keyrings/i2p-archive-keyring.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/i2p-archive-keyring.gpg
  6. Notify your package manager of the new repository by entering:
      sudo apt-get update
    This command will retrieve the latest list of software from every repository enabled on your system, including the I2P repository added in step 1.

  7. You are now ready to install I2P! Installing the i2p-keyring package will ensure that you receive updates to the repository's GPG key.
      sudo apt-get install i2p i2p-keyring

Rehefa vita ny fametrahana dia afaka mandroso ao amin'ny ambaratonga manaraka toy ny mamelona an'i I2Pary mandamina sy mampifandrindra azy amin'ny fitaovanao.

Asa aorian'ny fametrahana

Raha ireo entana I2P ireo no ampiasaina, dia afaka velomina torak'izao ny router I2P fomba telo:
  • "raha ilaina" ny mampiasana ny script'ny router i2p. dia alefaso "i2prouter start"avy amin'ny baiko an-tsoratra. (fanamarihana: Aza mampiasa sudo na mandefa azy raha root ianao!)
  • "raha ilaina" tsy misy ny java service wrapper (izay ilaina amin'ny fitaovana tsy mampiasa linux/na fitaovana tsy x86) amin'ny alalan'ny fandefasana "i2prouter-nowrapper". (Note: aza mampiasa sudo raha root ianao!)
  • Servisy velona miaraka amin'ny solon'tsaina ,ary alohan'ny hidiranao ao anaty ny solon'tsainao koa aza. Ny servisy dia azovelomina amin'ny "dpkg-reconfigure i2p" raha root na mampiasa sudo. Hafatra momba ny fampiasana azy.

Rehefa mametraka ny i2p amin'ny voalohany, tadidio nymanamboatra ny NAT/rindrin'afon raha hainao. Ny port izay ho tondroina dia hita ato amin'ny pejy fanamboarana ny tambazotra ao anaty fibaikona ny router. Raha ilaina ny fanoroana momban'ny fampiasana ny port, dia jereo ny portforward.com.

Azafady jereo ary amboary ny salan'ny bandwidtheo amin'nypejy fanitsiana, mba ho 96 KB/s down / 40 KB/s up, izay hita fa antonony.

If you want to reach I2P Sites via your browser, have a look on the browser proxy setup page for an easy howto.